Dharma Leksana, S.Th., M.Si.
By: Dharma Leksana, S.Th., M.Sc.
Chairman of the Indonesian Church Journalists Association (PWGI)
Jakarta, Entering digital civilization, many people are stuttering, losing their direction and orientation in life. Many people are exposed to hoax news (fake news). The flood of information and the onslaught of content from internet media and social media platforms, according to Prof. Dr. Ir. Hoga Saragih, MT. that 85 percent of the information circulating is hoax.
At least 30-60% of Indonesians are exposed to hoax news when accessing and communicating via online media. According to data from the Ministry of Communication and Information, from August 2018 to June 30, 2023, 11,759 hoax issues were found, many of which were related to political, health, and religious issues. Unfortunately, only 21-36% of Indonesians are able to recognize hoax news.

Press Release No. 02/HM/KOMINFO/01/2024 On Tuesday, January 2, 2024 stated that by the end of 2023, Kominfo has handled 12,547 hoax issues. Here is an excerpt from the KOMINFO press release:
Siaran Pers No. 02/HM/KOMINFO/01/2024
Selasa, 2 Januari 2024
Hingga Akhir Tahun 2023, Kominfo Tangani 12.547 Isu Hoaks
Selama Tahun 2023, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika telah menangani sebanyak 1.615 konten isu hoaks yang beredar di website dan platform digital. Total sejak bulan Agustus 2018, sudah 12.547 konten isu hoaks yang telah ditangani Kementerian Kominfo.
Jumlah isu hoaks yang ditangani Tim AIS Ditjen Aplikasi Informatika Kementerian Kominfo pada Tahun 2023 lebih banyak dibandingkan tahun 2022 yang ditemukenali sebanyak 1.528 isu hoaks.
Berdasarkan kategori, hingga Desember 2023, isu hoaks paling banyak berkaitan dengan sektor kesehatan. Tim AIS Kementerian Kominfo menemukan sebanyak 2.357 isu hoaks dalam kategori kesehatan. Isu yang berkaitan dengan penyebaran Covid-19 masih mendominasi dalam kategori ini. Selain itu ada banyak informasi yang menyesatkan berkaitan dengan obat-obatan dan produk kesehatan.
Isu hoaks yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan pemerintah dan penipuan juga tercatat paling banyak ditemukan pada urutan kedua. Secara kumulatif, sejak Agustus 2018, Tim AIS Kementerian Kominfo menemukenali masing-masing 2.210 isu hoaks dalam kategori pemerintahan dan penipuan.
Isu hoaks paling banyak merujuk pada akun palsu pejabat pemerintah pusat dan daerah dan lembaga. Selain itu ada beberapa informasi menyesatkan mengenai kebijakan pemerintah terkini. Ada pula isu hoaks penipuan seperti informasi palsu dan menyesatkan mengenai rekrutmen lembaga swasta dan pemerintah, tatan pishing, penipuan dengan nomor ponsel atau akun media sosial, hingga pembagian bantuan sosial yang disertai permintaan data pribadi atau uang sejumlah tertentu.
Sementara itu pada urutan ketiga tertinggi temuan isu hoaks, ada kategori politik. Tim AIS Kementerian Kominfo mengidentifikasi sebanyak 1.628 isu hoaks sejak Agustus 2018. Konten ini didominasi informasi yang berkaitan dengan partai politik, kandidat dan juga proses pemilihan umum.
Tim AIS dibentuk pada Januari 2018 untuk melakukan pengaisan, identifikasi verifikasi dan validasi terhadap seluruh konten yang bertentangan dengan peraturan perundangan. Tim AIS didukung oleh mesin AIS yang bekerja 24 jam, 7 hari seminggu tanpa henti. Secara khusus, Tim AIS melakukan penanganan isu hoaks dan membuat laporan berkala sejak bulan Agustus 2018.
Kementerian Kominfo telah melakukan pemutusan akses atas konten yang teridentifikasi sebagai isu hoaks. Pemutusan akses ditujukan agar konten hoaks tidak tersebar luas dan merugikan masyarakat.
Kementerian Kominfo juga mengimbau masyarakat untuk selalu cermat dan waspada atas peredaran isu hoaks. Dan tidak menyebarluaskan konten yang berisi hoaks melalui platform apapun.
Kementerian Kominfo mengimbau warganet yang menerima informasi elektronik yang patut diduga diragukan kebenarannya dapat menyampaikan kepada kanal pengaduan konten melalui email: aduankonten@kominfo.go.id atau akun twitter @aduankonten atau melalui aplikasi pesan instan WhatsApp di nomor 081-1922-4545.
Biro Humas Kementerian Kominfo
e-mail: humas@mail.kominfo.go.id
Telp/Faks : 021-3504024
Twitter @kemkominfo
FB: @kemkominfo
IG: @kemenkominfo
website: www.kominfo.go.id
Contextualization of Christian Theology
Christian contextualization theology is the study of how Christian theology can be applied and contextualized in various cultural, social, and historical contexts. This study focuses on how Christian theology can be articulated and lived in ways that are relevant and contextual to the lives of people in various contexts.
Christian contextualization theology includes several aspects, such as:
1. Contextualization of theology: Studying how Christian theology can be applied in different cultural, social, and historical contexts.
2. Inculturative theology: Studying how Christian theology can be integrated with local cultures and traditions.
3. Liberative theology: Studying how Christian theology can be used to free people from injustice and oppression.
4. Postcolonial theology: Studying how Christian theology can be applied in postcolonial contexts and how Christian theology can be used to understand and address the impacts of colonialism.
Thus, Christian contextualized theology is a science that focuses on how Christian theology can be articulated and lived in a way that is relevant and contextual to the lives of people in various contexts.

In an effort to understand contextualization in the digital era, the author would like to convey an effort to do theology that is appropriate to its context, namely DIGITAL THEOLOGY which we can discuss further.
Digital theology is a field of study that studies the relationship between Christian theology and digital technology. Digital theology tries to understand how digital technology affects our understanding of God, ourselves, and the world around us.
Here are some aspects studied in digital theology:
1. The relationship between God and technology: How does digital technology affect our understanding of God and our relationship with Him?
2. Self-identity in the digital era: How does digital technology affect our understanding of ourselves and our identity?
3. Digital ethics: How should we behave in the digital world, and what constitutes ethical behavior in the use of digital technology?
4. Digital missiology: How can we use digital technology to spread the gospel and build Christian community?
5. Digital theology and culture: How digital technology affects culture and how we can use digital technology to understand and respect other cultures.
Digital theology is also expected to answer questions such as:
– Can digital technology help us to be closer to God?
– How can we use digital technology to build stronger Christian communities?
– Can digital technology help us to be more understanding and respectful of other cultures?
In explaining digital theology, we also need to consider several concepts such as:
– Digital natives: People who were born and raised in the digital era.
– Digital immigrants: People who were born before the digital era, but then adapted to digital technology.
– Cybertheology: The study of the relationship between theology and digital technology.
– Digital spirituality: The study of how digital technology affects our spirituality.

Thus, digital theology is a broad and complex field of study, which tries to understand the relationship between Christian theology and digital technology.
Can digital technology help us to be closer to God? How?
Digital technology can help us to be closer to God if used in the right way.
Here are some ways digital technology can help us draw closer to God:
Helps with Bible Study and Understanding
1. Bible Apps: Apps like YouVersion, Bible Gateway, and Olive Tree make it easy to read, study, and share the Bible.
2. Online Resources: Websites like Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, and Christianity Today offer articles, podcasts, and videos that help us understand the Bible and grow in our faith.
Helps with Prayer and Reflection
1. Prayer Apps: Apps like PrayerMate, Echo, and Prayer Journal allow us to create prayer lists, set reminders, and track our prayer progress.
2. Meditation and Reflection: Apps like Headspace, Calm, and Abide offer guided meditations and reflections that help us draw closer to God.
Helps with Community and Connection
1. Social Media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow us to connect with others who share our faith.
2. Online Communities: Websites like Reddit (r/Christianity), Discord (a Christian server), and other online forums allow us to discuss, share experiences, and get support from others.
Helping in Missions and Ministry
1. Online Missions: Organizations like Cru, InterVarsity, and Gospel Coalition offer opportunities to engage in online missions and share the gospel with others.
2. Digital Ministry: Websites like pwgi.org, wartagereja.co.id, beritaoikoumene.com, Open Doors, Compassion International, and World Vision allow us to support ministries and missions around the world.
However, it is important to remember that digital technology is only a tool, and cannot replace a personal relationship with God. We must be careful in using digital technology and make sure that we do not lose focus on our relationship with God.

Dharma Leksana, S.Th., M.Si.
– General Chairperson of the Indonesian Church Journalists Association (PWGI)
– Founder of several national online media and church news media
– Press Activist and Senior Journalist